Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary voters

Also, I just need to mention these ridiculous Hillary voters who just won't let go. Tally and I just can't get over this, and the media coverage of them. Sorry if any of you out there are big supporters of her--that's not the problem. You lost, now move on. I can't believe they would say they won't vote for Obama (i.e., they won't vote at all) or that they would actually vote for McCain. They're interviewing a crazy lady right now who is covered in Hillary gear. She ran a great, competitive race and advanced politics a long ways for women. That's great, but no other loser of a primary has been this ridiculous.

1 comment:

D-Lo said...

It's ironic that you would choose today to create this chauvinistic post: August 26, Women's Equality Day.