Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Little River...

This was our little cabin, which was great. It had a real fireplace, which is something I've never had anywhere I lived--I loved it! Below was the view, looking out onto the Pacific from our deck.

This was a great little place in a great quiet, little town. Three things I had here were among the best I've ever had. The Swedish pancakes they had for breakfast--outstanding! The bacon they served with the pancakes--ridiculously good. It makes me want to make my own bacon because it was SO much better than any bacon I've had before from the grocery store.
We relaxed for a couple of days, which was great. On our way back to Yucca Valley, we swung through Napa Valley (more ridiculous people and crazy, middle-aged women who had had too much wine--see previous Napa Valley post, as it was more of the same).
What's that, you say? What was the third thing from the Little River Inn? Pliny the Elder beer, my friend. It deserves its own post eventually, so stay tuned...
Coming up, the Super Bowl. What does that mean? Commercials? Family and friends? Nope! John trying to make appetizers and having no idea what he's doing. We'll see how they turn out and if I can impress the wife.

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