Saturday, December 12, 2009


As a public service to all loyal Tinjblog readers, I do have to mention that there are a lot of snobs in Napa Valley and the surrounding environs. Of course, there are tons of great people, but there are those who choose to be wine snobs, and those wineries where you have to (and, no, I'm not kidding) wait to be seated, at a formal table by a concierge in order to simply taste some wine. I'm going to start a winery in Napa Valley, require that much ridiculousness, then serve these folks some Boone's Farm wine. Ha!

Finally, there is the family who earned the memorial "Made Me Want to Drop My Dinner Plate on My Head Until I Lost Consciousness" Award at one of the restaurants we ate at. Luckily, they were behind me, so I didn' t have to look at them, like Tally did. UNluckily, they were RIGHT behind me, so I could hear every word they were saying. Of course, I could have been in a different zip code and still heard every annoying word and all the bragging. We got up to leave right after them, and we noticed that their table cloth was covered with different splotches of wine stains. It wasn't one big stain, but several, indicating that more than one of them probably got sauced all day at the vineyards, then sauntered on down to the local restaurant to finish off the evening by being loud, rude, and spilling wine all over. You stay classy, Napa. (from "Anchorman")

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