Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm back!!!

So, the last part of our Battalion (including me) got back early Monday morning. It is great to be home. Sorry for not doing much blogging while I was gone. However, I am deeply disappointed in any (formerly) loyal Tinjblog readers who have switched to other more "cool" blogs since I've been gone.

Tally and I have just been hanging out this week. I have to work the next two weeks, then I'll have two weeks off, during which I'll head back to ND.

I don't have the greatest pictures from Iraq. It all looks similar and, thankfully, it wasn't too crazy for us. I'll try to get some stuff up here eventually. Also, stay tuned for: LA Dodgers game with Quinn, Las Vegas, cycling, triathlon for Tally, weird classes at the gym, and quinoa.

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